Failed again
Failed me driving test again. Yep.
I had it boiled down to several reasons:
1) I love the school kerb with its dirty white and faded black paint.
2) I love the school food (where else can you get delicious $2 nasi padang and the sambal is to die for).
3) I miss my driving instructors, the incredibly funny Mr Ali and the tall but wise Ivan. They are my driving gods.
4) I have plenty of $$$ to throw.
5) I miss the testers.
6) I was driving when my planets are out of alignment with the solar system.
7) I forgot to choose an auspicious timing and date and wore the wrong colour clothes.
8) My mum and cousin said I failed before I took my driving test (which reminds me to ask them back for $$$ to pay for my next test)
9) The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas thought that they'll save other road users from me (just joking).
Next test is November 3rd. I'm gonna pray like crazy on the 2nd. Hehe.