Shrimp roll or wraps. Kinda delicious. I add this as a side and costs $2.

Casablanca whatever. I like this. Pretty tangy sauce.

Morrocan pizza. I like it.

Morrocan pizza before I ate it. I like this (except for the olives). However I still like my pizza round and not square. Square pizzas remind me of the pizza that I buy from your neighbourhood bakery.
We were served soup before that and it was good not the usual Campbell soup-type.
I went out with my cousins last Saturday and enjoyed myself. It has been a long time since we went out. I would love to post the pictures of them but one of them prefer anonymity.
The service was commendable and friendly. One of the waitresses was afraid that my cousin would fall off his chair as he was balancing on the chair's two legs that she asked him to be careful.