Dayz Of My Life...E Re Nata
Me Son Ye-Jin, You Kim Dae Jung and You Anne Lindh

I know that I have something in common with Son Ye-Jin is enough to make women cry and men barf but as you can see in my previous post that I looked like Superman (Tom Welling) so better not cry or barf in my face or you will feel the wrath of my super powers!!!
On a side note, my father looks like Kim Dae-Jung and me mom looks like Anne Lindh.

Shrimp roll or wraps. Kinda delicious. I add this as a side and costs $2.

Casablanca whatever. I like this. Pretty tangy sauce.

Morrocan pizza. I like it.

Morrocan pizza before I ate it. I like this (except for the olives). However I still like my pizza round and not square. Square pizzas remind me of the pizza that I buy from your neighbourhood bakery.
We were served soup before that and it was good not the usual Campbell soup-type.
I went out with my cousins last Saturday and enjoyed myself. It has been a long time since we went out. I would love to post the pictures of them but one of them prefer anonymity.
The service was commendable and friendly. One of the waitresses was afraid that my cousin would fall off his chair as he was balancing on the chair's two legs that she asked him to be careful.
Super Power!!!!!!!!!

Tried this on
And guess who I looked like? Tom Welling of Smallville aka Superman.
Now do you believe I have super powers??????

Seriously, this is not what is is supposed to look. All I wanted was a shot of my father smiling and it turned out like this. Maybe it's time I took some photography lessons.
Pass the barf bag please....

Pass the barf bag please. But you must admit that I acceeded to your requests. You wanted to see me in my new dress, I did it and I did a "sultry" pose.
Just noticed that my arms can be a pillow.
Due to Popular Demand ........ collection of shoes that was bought on last Thursday. The front of this shoe gave me much pain on Friday so stuff some paper into it in an attempt so suffocate...i meant enlarge the front area.

The back of all my shoes. The United Colors of PrettyFit shoes.

Nice ain't it?

Dunno why I took this pair of shoes twice.

Pretty shoes fit for a super-powered lady.
Next stop, me in a dress. Muahahahahaha.

Only through the eyes of a 3 year old could he see a train.
*Sigh* I wish I was a kid again.
Me and my grandpa

Just me and my yeye,
I have a feeling that world is just going to be ok.
"Haunted" Office

You heard the stories, you HEARD THE RUMOURS and you got scared......"The Office" coming soon to theatres near you.
Be FOREWARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!1
A Birthday for a Friend

To a good colleague, Raji, a very very Happy Birthday To You!!!
You are a swell colleague (that means good)
Work of Art

Remember when we were kids, we will buy those small tubes of gummy substance with a thin short straw that costs 15 cents a pop? Well, this still exists. My father blew the bubble up and my nephew being the arts maestro that he is
(in addition to being an Elvis fan, Salmon Teriyaki rice fan etc) put this up.
Salvador Dali and the rest of them sculptors used expensive steel and whachamacallit and created art but my nephew actually created it at almost nothing.
So many eyes

My parents. Now you know where all my super powers come from.
My Very Own mACHINE

My father's sister, my aunt gave my nephew is own machine as promised. Her husband owns one of those companies.