War Of The Parents / Guardians

Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands............

Where's my kid??? Pushing and shoving. Enough to render the fearless fearful. You see Singaporeans q-ing for their fave bak kwa and food but when it comes to fetching their kids is different. They push and shoved until the kids cry or become red-eyed. What a disgrace.

Here my father managed to fish my nephew out from the pandomenium (sp?). As you can see from the camera shot, they were hurrying up as more parents and guardians converged on the entrance.

15 mins before school was let out, people were converging at the entrance.

10 mins before, people were at the entrance, my father been the tallest was pushed and shoved by the shorter ones away as they wanted to get their kid(s) first. Who cares about other parents / guardians? The old man in green with white hair decided it was too much for him and stood aside.