Food and Coffee Review

Venue: One of the many branches of McDonald's.
Cost: SGD$6.95.
Food: Grilled Chicken Foldever Set Meal (inclusive of drink and I mean french fries).
Review: Two grilled pieces of chicken meat with some vegetables caught in between a ?tortilla. Supposedly one of the healthier version of any fast-food food out there. It seems pretty delicious and the first bite was a burst of mayonnaise and crispy veggies. The chicken patties were thin so I tasted more mayo and ?tortilla. Overall, it's palatable and I wouldn't mind eating this again but the price is kinda steep for two thin patties.
Ambience: Crowded.
Service: This time I didn't make any special request so service was prompt and was served with a smile.
Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 burgers.

Where: One of the many Starbucks branches out there.
What: Iced Caramel Machiatto.
Cost: Forgot.
Review: Despite its appearance, it tasted like Ya Kun's kopi-bing at definitely a cheaper price. I drank the coffee first without stirring, it was sweet with a taste of caramel. Then I stirred it. The sweetness was gone and was replaced with the bitter taste of espresso.
This drink is addictive and I drank it two days in a row and would definitely be back for more despite it's suspiciously Ya Kun kopi-bing's taste.
Ambience: If you had been to one cafe, you've been to all.
Service: Commendable and prompt. The barista was polite.
Overall rating: 3 out of 5 espressos.