Pre-Xmas Shopping

I know this post is days late but better late than never, right? My mom called me on Christmas's eve and asked if I wanted to go shopping. I said okay. I should have known better. She went looking for a pendant for herself and I ended up buying a pair of earrings for myself
(boy I have the will power of a traitor). You see, I just got my ears pierced a month back and ever since I am drawn to earrings like a moth to a flame. This pair is reasonable. It's $98 and of course my mom had to buy a pair for herself too.

Urmmmm.....3 plastic cards from 3 different places.

Yup. I got the ear rings from Citigems which is a subsidiary of Lee Hwa Jewellery. In Northpoint shopping centres these 2 shops are situated side by side. If you get scared off the prices from Lee Hwa
(what with the purple gold and others), just scurry off to Citigems.