My first

A shout out to everyone I know. I had decided to start this blog. My previous blogs had been well...unbecoming and nasty. What had I become? Monster? Neanthedal? As you know neanthedals became extinct and homo sapiens thrived although I am having seconds thoughts about the latter but I digress.
This will be a happy blog, full of mundane-ness. Some may find it boring but can always go to other blogs.
We read about evil everyday, bombs blowing and the weather's gone mad.
I am going to blog about the generosity of people of whom I have the honour of being at the receiving end and it's not about material and monetary matters. This generosity will be kind gestures, that simple smile, that joke they shared, that kind gentleman who let me have the seat in the MRT in front of him that just became vacant and all that.
Yes...this is the time for the daze of my life.
First to begin the mundane let me introduce to you my breakfast and lunch for these two days. Hahahaha which appears at the top. I will try and figure out how to post it within the texts. SO there........
The mess on the table at the first pic is food that I bought from Johor. The second pic is almond paste, I had been having probs with my throat. The third is my breakfast for the 22nd November. The fourth is my breakfast from the 24th Nov